Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Love vs. Platonic relationship

As some one asked me - "tell me something on Love vs Platonic relationship"... My first question would be - "Have you ever experienced love?"... if not, whatever I say or write here, you will never be able to understand. So, stop reading if you never loved someone or have never been loved.

I dont want to define love anyways, but let me define platonic relationship. As per wikipedia - "Platonic relationship, in its modern popular sense, is a non-sexual affectionate relationship. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual (i.e. overtly romantic) friendship, not subject to gender pairings and not excluding close relatives".

So, going by this definition - difference between love and platonic relationship is - plain and simple "sexual vs. non-sexual affection"... hmm... but, isnt "love making (in plain terms, sex)" inherent part of Love!!! can anyone's love be termed complete without love making? love making (or sex), in its most pure, spiritual or artistic sense one of the best gift you can give to your partner... so, its surely conclusive to say that love is not complete without love making involved...

Now, lets talk about "platonic relationship"... for example, if there are two friends of opposite gender (or even same gender... in modern times, it doesnt make much of a difference anyways), ...very close friends... and if they indulge in love making to satisfy eachother's physical urges (but actually doing it like to lovers, pure and pasionate, to the maximum satisfaction of both)... and both are positive and OK with it... they dont see any harm in it... but they say - "we are not in LOVE with eachother"... what kind of relationship would it be? the same can be termed true for close relatives that indulge in love making but never except it socially that they are actually in LOVE with eachother...

PS: I have chosen to use "love making" instead to "Sex", categorically to make a point that "i am still talking about the pure exchange of affection during the process)"... think and read ahead!

Not complicating it further, what i wanna say is - "its only socially that we want to differenciate between relationships that involve love making vs. those that does not. Psychologically and philosophically, it is a lot more complex thing to define and separate or categorise relationships with a clear and defined boundries"... in pure, human perspective, Relations are to be perceived and not defined.